We continue to offer telephone, face to face & e-consultations

Many consultations can be completed by telephone or e-consultation, however, if you wish to see a doctor face-to-face, You can book by telephoning the surgery. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT WE ARE EXTREMELY BUSY AT PRESENT AND THERE MAY BE A WAIT FOR AN APPOINTMENT. WE ARE DOING OUR BEST TO REDUCE THE WAITING TIME FOR APPOINTMENTS.

If you would prefer a telephone appointment, you can book by phone or online.  The doctor will call you as close to your appointment time as possible. Please ensure that we have your correct telephone number when booking your appointment, and if you book online, please advise us which telephone number you wish us to call if you have a landline & a mobile number on record.

If you (or the person who needs the appointment if you are making it for someone else) are unable to use the telephone, please inform the receptionist.

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If the doctor decides you need to be seen face to face,  this will be arranged.
For all attendances at the surgery, you will be expected to bring & wear a face covering over your nose, mouth & chin at all times within the building.

Please use the telephone as the first point of contact.
Prescription requests should ideally be on line or via reception desk box.

Thanks for your cooperation at this time.

covid-19 vaccination programme


Patients who are eligible for a Covid Spring Booster Vaccine and have received a notification to book their appointment: please do not contact the GP practice.


Please ring NHS 119 instead, or visit the National Booking Site via www.nhs.uk  


Patients will be able to book an appointment at our local vaccination site, which is at Hexham Mart, Tyne Green.

However, all vaccination sites are reliant on, and limited to National Vaccine Supply. 

Therefore, patients may be unable to book into their most local site initially and will be offered an appointment at another site where vaccine is available instead.  


If patient preference is to receive the Spring Covid Booster Vaccine at their local site, we advise the patient to continue to check back regularly by either calling NHS 119 or Online via www.nhs.uk until more vaccine has become available, and appointments are released.


Please note the booking system will state; The Sele Medical Practice at Hexham Mart but the actual vaccination location is Hexham Mart, Tyne Green, NE46 3SG.

Find out more about the roll out at nhs.uk/covidvaccine

Practice Opening Hours are usually, 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

    • -To book appointments please call the usual surgery number.
    • -You can also book an appointment online by clicking here.
    • -If you feel your problem is more urgent than this you will be seen by the Doctor on duty that day.
    • Please note:

For Appointments for Riversdale at Oaklands Medical Centre Ring 01661 243050

Booking or Cancelling Appointments Online

 You can book or cancel an appointment Online, by using our online booking system.

In order to use this service you need to obtain a user ID and password.

If you are already registered for On Line repeats you can use the same Log On details

Please call in to the Surgery with your repeat prescription slip and proof of identity as we can only set up your user name and password in person.

      • Once you have registered please use the link below to log on to the On Line Appointment system
      • We only have a limited number of simple GP appointment slots which can be booked on line. You will still need to book appointments for our Health Care Assistant and Practice Nurse in the normal way.
      • If you no longer need an appointment please cancel it as early as possible so that we can give it to someone else.
      • Please make it clear when you book, which number you would like the doctor to call if you have more than one telephone number on your records

Click Here to Book Your Appointment Online


Early Evening and Saturday appointments now available at the Hadrian Extra Care Hub, based at Corbridge Health Centre, Newcastle Road, Corbridge, NE45 5LG.

Patients who are registered at this practice can now book an appointment to see a GP or nurse on weekday evenings between  6.00pm and 8.00pm or on Saturday  between 9am and 5pm.

These appointments need to be booked through our receptionists. (You can cancel any appointment made on 01434 636950 if the practice is closed)

Home Visits

      • Home visits are usually only to those patients too ill or infirm to attend surgery.
      • We would be grateful if you could bear this in mind when requesting a home visit as they are very time consuming and may disrupt other services the practice provides if requested inappropriately.
      • It is helpful if you are able to let our reception staff know the nature of your problem when you request a home visit so we can assess its urgency.

Home visits should be requested ideally before 10am.

You may be asked to discuss your request for a home visit with a Doctor who may suggest other ways of managing your problem.