Opening Hours

Opening Hours.

Practice Opening Hours are usually between: 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Consultations are by Appointment.

  • To book appointments please call the surgery number below.
  • If you feel your problem is more urgent than this you will be seen by the Doctor on duty that day

For Appointments for Riversdale at Oaklands Medical Centre Ring: 01661 243050

Home Visits.

  • Home visits are usually only to those patients too ill or infirm to attend surgery.
  • We would be grateful if you could bear this in mind when requesting a home visit as they are very time consuming and may disrupt other services the practice provides if requested inappropriately.
  • It is helpful if you are able to let our reception staff know the nature of your problem when you request a home visit so that we can assess its urgency.

Home visits should be requested ideally before 10am.

You may be asked to discuss your request for a home visit with a Doctor who may suggest other ways of managing your problem.


Riversdale practice­­

Oaklands Medical Centre (Consultations by Appointment, this is not a Walk-In Centre)

Front Street



NE42 5DQ

Phone 01661 243050

Fax 01661 833131

This is our  Medical Centre just off Front Street in Prudhoe.

Toothache treatment corrective measures Medicines for the treatment of ear infections. Lost votes Treat dry cough.

We have a large car park at Oakland Medical Centre with generally easier access for the disabled and frail.

Oaklands Medical Centre is also the main base for Community Staff in the area such as District Nurses, Midwives, Physios, Health Visitors, Speech Therapists and Podiatrists.